Jenna Fergus is a writer, artist, wife, and mother, (former art educator).

The reason for the Mind Over Things That Matter blog is to untangle the thoughts we have while we try to live in a flawed world. Every member of my family struggled with mental and emotional anomalies of one kind or another at one time or another. Thus, my curiosity regarding the power of changing our minds about stuff, therefore, moving beyond survival into a place of living an abundant life. John 10:10

Now, I make art about these kinds of ideas and memories, lifetime ideas. Go HERE Jenna Fergus Art for more about my work.

Check me out on:

Facebook Jenna Fergus Art

Instagram: JAFERGUS4U


Blog About page photo

That is me, Jennifer (Jenna) Fergus, the girl in the red dress hanging onto daddy as though my life depended on it. The Rambler is a 1950 something model and we look like the typical “cool family” from the 1960’s. But, family isn’t what it seems in a picture.

Life is so funny and mostly difficult. We really can’t expect pictures to represent the fullness of truthful experience for each person depicted. However, photos can communicate more than we would sometimes think. Look carefully and you will see who is holding whom and facial expressions which reveal underlying emotions. We all struggle to be ok in a world that isn’t ok. Therefore, let’s think together about how to make each others lives better.

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